
“I'm proud to endorse Chris Nicholson for RTD Board District A. Building a vibrant Denver means having a robust, safe, and accessible public transit network, and I'm confident Chris will bring the perspective and dedication RTD needs to deliver that reality for Denverites.”

“Chris is a dedicated fighter for organized labor. He knows labor is at the core of effective public transit and i trust him to stand up for fair wages and good working conditions for all.”

"Chris knows effective transit is fundamental to a just society. His focus on equity, on building a system all of us can trust and rely on, is exactly what RTD needs right now."

“Chris is effective. As a political staffer, a public policy advocate, and a technologist, he has guided me through countless moments, first as a professional, and now a good friend. His guidance is exactly what RTD needs right now.”

“We need people committed to multimodal transportation. Chris knows this and believes strongly in offering quality alternatives to driving. Chris also lives these values as a full time RTD rider and dedicated advocate for safe, accessible transit.”

“As a CU Denver professor and Regent, and a longtime user of RTD, I know transit access is critical to student success. I'm supporting Chris because he will fight for a system that actually works.”

“Chris has a clear, coherent vision about how to make RTD work better. His priority is to improve the quality of the user experience, and he has the policy savvy, technical knowledge, and collegiality to guide RTD towards that goal. If you believe it’s time to have a public transit system worthy of this great city, vote for Chris.”

"I’ve known Chris since he moved to Colorado. RTD is his main mode of transportation, so he’s very familiar with the issues. He’s got the experience and great ideas to help improve the ridership experience on RTD. For that reason, I’m enthusiastically supporting Chris."